How I started reading books

I never picked up a book and tried to read. Not until I was 15. And I regret it.

I regret it because when I finished reading the first book, I realized, this is something I genuinely enjoy and I should've been doing this long back. I should've picked up a book sooner. 

But anyway, there's no point in going around this thing anymore. I'm thankful that I was able to discover my passion for reading if nothing else. So, let's move on. 

I don't remember the reason why I took the initiative to start reading. I believe, I randomly ran across this book fair held in my locality once. I was with my friend and we both decided to take a quick look at the books. 

Even though I was hardly familiar with any book, I was still enjoying my time there. To be very frank, being completely new to this bookish world at that time, I picked up some copies just by looking at the pretty covers. I mean yes, I read the descriptions at the back but only those with eye-catching covers. 

And then my eyes fell on this book called The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne Frank. I got excited just because of the fact that I at least knew this one book. I had heard somewhere about Anne Frank's diary from World War II. So, I decided to put this on my buying list. 

I bought two other books along with this one from that book fair at a really affordable price. The other two copies were of Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng and The Vacationers by Emma Straub.

I got home and decided to start reading right away. Yeah, it's the excitement. And thankfully the books were beginner-friendly and light reads (not the Anne Frank one).

I started with The Diary Of A Young Girl because the description of this book forced me to pick this one first. Within the first couple of pages, I realized, it is so addictive that I couldn't put the book down. I finished it within two days and couldn't get over it for the next couple of days. 

I wouldn't go much around talking about this book, because I believe, I would fail at describing it in words. The book is packed with the emotions of Anne Frank and her family when they were trapped during the time of Hitler's rule in Amsterdam. 

The story of Anne Frank is very heart-touching that it will always stay within you forever once you read it.

I grabbed another book that I got from the book fair and completed it. It was totally different from the first one but still was a good read. Since, I wasn't able to find the same emotions in that book, that Anne's diary gave me, I decided to hunt for another book in the holocaust category.

And then I stumbled across this book called The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. It was another fantastic and very heart-touching read. 

So, from then I could not stop myself from getting more books. In fact, I am certainly at my best when I'm book hunting. I could spend hours and hours at a book fair or a library mindlessly. 

This way my first visit to a book fair gave me a push to embark on my reading journey. 


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